40739 |
Occasion: |
Total servings: 3-4 |
Cuisine: Pakistani |
Calories: |
Effort: Average |
Pre-Prep time: 3-4 hours marination time |
Best for: All |
Preperation time: 1 hour |
How to serve: Hot |
Kachi Biryani recipe by Sidra Rafique at DesiRecipes.com.
Its a mouth watering non veg dish, very tasty. takes very less time to cook and very easy to prepare, except the maination time.
1 kg Chicken (or beef)
1 Cup Yoghurt
1 Cup Fried Onions
2 tbsp Ginger +Garlic Paste
1 Cup corriander, green chillies and mint leaves crushed
1 tsp Kewra Essence
1 tsp Garam Masala powder
2 tsp Chilli Powder
1 tsp Paste Of raw Papaya
1 kg Rice
Salt To Taste
2 Tomatoes Chopped
1 Cup Oil
1/2 Cup Milk
First mix yoghurt , paste, garam masala, chilli powder, papaya paste, salt and tomatoes and mix well.
Then fry the onions in half cup oil and leave the rest half cup for the end.
Put the fried onions and the yogurt mixture in the chicken and leave it for 4 to 5 hours.
Boil rice with salt till half boiled.
Then spread the chicken in a big pan and put the half cooked rice over it and level it.
Now put half cup oil on top.
Mix kewra essence with a pinch of yellow colour or saffron in the milk and spread on top.
Sprinkle fried onions on top and the crushed green chillies, corriander and mint leaves.
For 10 minutes cook on high flame.
Then cook on low flame for 20 minutes.
Serve hot and enjoy.

Link to this recipe: http://www.desirecipes.com/recipe/Kachi-Biryani